We sift through tons of articles and news every day so we never know what new piece of information will fuel our next office debate. Yesterday, it was a story about journalists being prohibited from using amateur technology (i.e. cell phones) to take video and photos at the upcoming 2014 Olympics. This news led to the typical flurry of heated conversations and internal emails. The debate started out as they all do, with a review of the issue and a calm discussion of the details. It quickly developed into something more, though, with mentions of the Russian media, the behavior of Olympians (“what happens in the Olympic Village, stays in the Olympic Village”), Go Pro cameras, unrighteous stripping of press credentials, SD cards and, although it made sense at the time (somehow), Hungarian stew. Though no one is opinionating about or questioning the issue today, there’s still one big unanswered question: what will we debate next?